How to tell yourself to study for prelims...

A bit of screenshot, a bit of editing with Asa, and we got a new desktop for my computer!
WARNING: Possiblily offensive to those who are extremely religious.
Da Vinci Code, the movie. The book itself is already interesting enough, but here comes the movie, due to be released next May.
Of course, if the church is going to hate the book, they are going to hate the movie with a passion.
So, the film dudes decide to give a donation.
And so, they get to film at Westminster Abbey.
Not that I'm implying anything...
I've read the book, but personally, I don't see what the big ho-ha is about. There are plenty of books out there which say the same thing, and Dan Brown simply tossed in a thriller (a rather decent one, compared to many these days), and whoa, he's got instant success.
However, the church is condamning the book, saying it's blasphemous, heretical...
Blah blah blah.
Ok, fine. I respect what the church says, because I respect what everyone says anyway, unless they are total morons. However, I felt that this book could not have come at a worst time. Gone were the days when people could be burnt for saying anything bad about god, or saying that you worship the devil. Those were the days when the church owned everyone, when wars were fought because "My god > yours" (Although it does continue today. People, in a way, never change, do they?).
These days, as we've all learnt in GP, religion is pretty much of a spiritual role. The main reason is because science is taking over. In the past, people blame Hurricanes and Earthquakes to be due to the wrath of god. Above the sky is the heavens, and below the ground, there's hell. Now, we know, thanks to science, that above us is the milky way, and below us is the core, followed by the other side of the world.
Religion is losing it's grip on people. A grip which had the authority to do anything in the past, but is now a simple mere weak cling-on.
Hence, this book, while it does not doubt the existance of a christian god, has, as people put it, "tarnished the image of Jesus". For him, having a wife and children is considered blasphemous.
I'm not going to talk about that point, since I have no concrete evidence, nor do I want to diss any christians off. However, I'm rather...amused, by people who refuse to read the book, nor will they see the movie, because it's "blasphemous".
All I've got to say is this: If your faith in god is shaken, possibily to a point that you won't believe in it anymore, after reading a mere book, it pretty much says alot about your faith, yes? If you believe that god is right, and your faith cannot be shaken so easily, what can a book do? There are plenty of books and movies out there which are worse, some even outright blasphemous (even for me). However, a book, which merely builds a neat story around a theory, should not be shaking your faith so easily, even more so, when there are facts to back it up.
If after reading the book, your faith in the religion is shaken, you need a new religion, because you just are just thinking you believe in the religion, but deep down inside, you know you are already questioning the foundations of the religion, thanks to science. Yeah yeah, the devil will plant those books to shake our faith in god. However, isn't that what you read the bible and stuff for? It's to guard you against such evil-ness, and to read the words of Kami-sama. So, unless you don't attend bible lessons, I don't really see what's wrong with reading the Da Vinci code. It isn't like listening to an MP3 that is super satanic.
So, what's wrong with women in the church anyway? The theory pretty much just says that women had a rather large role in the church before, and of course, the famous "Jesus had a wife and a child" thingy. The last pope, John Paul II said that women are priests is a definate no-no. No argument about it.
I'm not chirstian, so I've no idea what goes on...>_<
Ah well, but really, those who go "I can't listen to this song (Atheist on the Highway from the Maximum Tune 2 OST, which is a mere wordless techno song), because it's anti-god/satanic" really made me laugh (One guy actually said that..XD). Even more so are those who don't watch movies, nor read the books which merely questions their faith, because, as I've said, it just shows that they have doubts in their faith, even without the movie/the book.
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